Outback Pizza
Prep. time 45 mins
500g 'bush breads' Cootamundra bread mix
5g dry yeast
300ml water
2 tablespoons Bush tomato chutney
2 tablespoons tomato sauce
75g munthari
250g oyster blade, sliced
100ml wattle and red wine sauce
each of red and yellow capsicum
2 shallots (white and green parts), chopped
Mix the Cootamundra bread mix with the yeast and add the
water at 30șC. Mix in a spiral arm mixer for 2 minutes on slow and then 7 - 9 minutes on
fast or for 10 minutes in a slow cake mixer. Rest for 20 minutes. Proofing time is 45
minutes at 29 to 31șC. Spread out onto a floured pizza tray and push finger-tips to
dimple the pizza base. Set aside at proofing temperature while topping is prepared.
Marinate the sliced oyster blade steak in the wattle and red wine sauce while the pizza
base is being prepared. Blend the bush tomato chutney with the tomato sauce. In a pan, fry
the white part of the shallots reserving the green tips for garnishing. Grill the
capsicums, wrap in a towel to steam and remove the skins. Slice the capsicums into strips.
To assemble the pizza, spread the tomato sauce on first and scatter the onion. Place the
drained meat slices and scatter the munthari, capsicum strips and the chopped green
shallot tips. Bake at 220șC for 25 minutes or until meat no longer bleeds. Rest for 5
minutes before serving.
[ Balmain Bugs ] [ Creped Crustaceans ] [ Crusted Kangaroo ] [ Fillet of Beef ] [ Gumleaf Bavarois ] [ Lemon Myrtle Rum Baba ] [ Outback Pizza ] [ Oysters Outback ] [ Austro-Asian Roast Pork ] [ Seared Emu ] [ Sydney Salad ] [ WattleSeed Pavlova ]
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