Aussie Specialties


Here are some of the very unusual recipes and foods you can find in Australia -  Stockman's Bootlaces, Curried Yabbies and Rice, even Dogs in Blankets!

Some of the recipes are, of course, supposed to be taken lightly - others are fully edible meals! Which is which I hear you ask? Find out for yourself! :)


Aussie Shovel Burgers
Aussie Beer Bread
Barbecued Emu
Blue Swimmers and Beer

Brumbies in the Sandhills
Camel Stew
Curried Yabbies and Rice
Dogs in Blankets
Gum Smoked Crocodile

Kangaroo Tail Soup
Lightning Ridge Galah Soup
Mud Trout
Paperbark Barramundi

Pipi Soup
Spotted Dog
Stewed Quandongs

Stockman's Bootlaces
Witchetty Soup



Do you have an Aussie Specialty you would like to add?
Then please submit your recipe for inclusion


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